Buyers & Sellers

Buyers & Sellers

Representation For Sellers

Whether you’re a commercial or a residential seller, our team of experts and our expert partners include the most experienced, most qualified, most respected brokers and agents in our community.  Our team will ensure that your purchase and sale agreement terms properly protect your interests.  If there are legal or title issues that arise in connection with your property, we will address and advise regarding all such legal issues and concerns that arise.  Our expert team will represent you throughout the negotiations and walk you through the closing process. 

Representation For Buyers

As Brokers and Attorneys, we can guide you through all aspects of the transaction starting with explaining the terms of the purchase contract.  Where there are legal issues or hidden liabilities, we will be able to give you legal advice regarding these issues to provide you the maximum level of protection.  Our team includes the most qualified and respected brokers and real estate attorneys in our community and will review your documents relating to title, mortgages, taxes and other documents that must be addressed prior to closing.  All your real estate issues as well as all your legal concerns, questions and issues will be addressed and you will be provided the best advice on all legal and real estate issues from A to Z to ensure you possess valid ownership and are situated to move forward empowered by having strong Brokers and Attorneys advising you and watching out for your interests.

Commercial RealEstate Law

Commercial real estate law requires particularized expertise regarding regulations, statutes, property law and common law for commercial property.  Commercial transactions involve a wide array of matters in addition to buy and sell contracts.  These transactions pertain to the purchase, development, financing, construction, leasing, zoning, etc. of real estate projects.  If you have commercial real estate issues, it is critical to find an appropriate expert with appropriate and sufficient particularized experience to provide services.  Our team of experts and our expert partners include the most experienced, most qualified, and most respected brookers and attorneys in our community as for real estate matters.  OUr team of experienced attorneys can assist with purchase and sale agreement disputes, title insurance and title disputes, commercial real estate foreclosures, commercial lending disputes and commercial zoning disputes. 

Probate And Civil Litigation

It is often the case where a Trust or a Probate Estate has Real Property that the assistance of both a Real Estate Attorney and a Realtor are required.  In such situations, a Trustee or Administrator or Personal Representative of an Estate might require the assistance of both a Real Estate Attorney to represent them and guide them through the Court process but also a Real Estate Broker who can guide them and represent them through any related transactions or sales.  Depending on the situation, such a client may be best served by either the Law Offices of Marc Grossman or Grossman Realty.  In some situations, and with appropriate disclosures, consent and Court approval as may be required, having an attorney who can also provide broker services and handle any related real estate transactions can create an ideal opportunity for the beneficiaries to get the benefit of superior legal and real estate services while also keeping more of the estate in the pockets of the beneficiaries than might otherwise be the case.  OUr team of expert attorneys and expert partners include the communities most respected and most trusted Probate and Trust attorneys.  Our attorneys work hand in hand with our Real Estate experts who are likewise the most experienced and trusted Brokers in our Community. 

Family Law Related Services

In many dissolution cases in California, the spouses have a marital house or other community real property which becomes subject to the jurisdiction of the family court In these situations, many different issues can arise between the spouses including disputes over possession of the property, over the sale of the property, over responsibility for expenses, mortgage payments and taxes for the property.  Sometimes there are preliminary issues as to whether or not property is community property or separate property.  Sometimes there may be prenuptial agreements affecting the property rights.  There are countless potential problems with navigate the disposition of a house when the co-owners are suing each other in divorce court and may not see eye to eye on much of anything. In such situations, the parties are always best served by having their own independent and experienced family law attorneys and they are also best served by having a Realtor who is also a family law specialist. In any such situations, if a realtor is needed it is helpful to have a realtor who is a family law specialist and familiar with the ins and outs of selling property through family law court. 
A Realtor who is a family law specialists will know how to properly value your home in the context of all that is happening in your divorce case.  Pricing approaches will vary if a third party buyer is involved as opposed to a buy-out from one of the spouses which is usually done without regard to the customarily necessary costs associated with a sale of real property.  There are many different factors that may come into play and having an experienced Realtor will help you avoid costly mistakes.  A divorce specialist will also have enhanced negotiating experience and will be able to maintain diplomacy and neutrality when the situation calls for it. An experienced family law attorney or real estate divorce specialist can bring their comprehensive understanding of family law and experience to assist you on a level that other realtors cannot.
Divorce is already a very challenging time in your life and can be quite overwhelming.  Throw into that all the decisions that need to be made to figure out if to sell your home, when to sell it, how to sell it, at what price to  sell it, where to go when you sell it, etc., etc., and your very health and happiness can be at stake if you don’t get the help you need.  A divorce realtor specialist can guide you step by step through each of the processes and Marc Grossman is himself a 25 year experienced family law attorney who will bring all his legal knowledge and experience to your benefit in navigating through your family law issues.  The Attorneys and Brokers at the Law Offices of Marc Grossman and Grossman Real Estate have the experience that matters to be able to guide you through any navigational hurdles you may face in reaching your objectives. Unlike other Realtors who are not experienced family law attorneys, Marc Grossman is able to answer your legal questions and give you legal advice with his 25 years experience as a family law attorney. Whatever your situation is, Marc and his team work hand in hand with other Real Estate experts and other Attorneys as may be required to help our clients meet their objectives.

Real Estate Litigation

Our team of expert Attorneys at the Law Office of Marc Grossman can represent Plaintiffs and Defendants in a wide array of residential and commercial real estate controversies involving:
  • Sales or Lease Contract Disputes
  • Quiet Title Actions
  • Partition Actions
  • Financing Disputes
  • Landowner Rights
  • Title Disputes
  • Development
  • Fraud (Non-Disclosure)
  • Neighbor Disputes
  • Easement, Boundary, View Disputes
  • Warranty and Deed Claims
  • Broker Disputes including Negligence and Breach of Fiduciary Duty
  • Business Torts
  • Contractor Disputes, Mechanics Liens, any Contractual Matters
Marc Grossman and his team have extensive litigation and trial experience across the spectrum of real estate issues.  Our team of expert Attorneys and Brokers includes the most experienced, trusted and respected professionals in our community.  Our Consultations are always free and your best interest is always our only concern..

Our team of expert Attorneys and Brokers includes the most experienced, trusted and respected professionals in our community.  Our Consultations are always free and your best interest is always our only concern.

© 2023 Grossman Real Estate.